FOX NEWS: Democrat, #MeToo activist was drunk, 'overly familiar' with male staffer, but no evidence of groping: report

Democrat, #MeToo activist was drunk, 'overly familiar' with male staffer, but no evidence of groping: report

An investigator said a California assemblywoman who was at the forefront of the #MeToo movement was "overly familiar" with a former legislative male staff member who accused her of misconduct, according to a letter dated Wednesday from Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon.

FOX NEWS: Democrat, #MeToo activist was drunk, 'overly familiar' with male staffer, but no evidence of groping: report FOX NEWS: Democrat, #MeToo activist was drunk, 'overly familiar' with male staffer, but no evidence of groping: report Reviewed by yusuf on November 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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